Abortion Doula Services

  • You are your own best authority for the choices you make for your body

  • Everyone deserves the right to safe, accessible abortion in their community

  • When people receive support throughout their abortion journey they feel more nourished and embodied 

  • Abortion care is a radical in its capacity to rewrite old stories of disempowerment 

Our work together will be informed by the following foundational truths:

What is an Abortion Doula?

An abortion doula is a trained companion person who offers physical, emotional, spiritual and practical support for someone seeking an abortion. This could look like talking through the decision making process, finding an abortion provider close to your home or assisting you with processing your experience.

Abortion Doula support is for you if:

  • You feel unsure about whether a surgical or medication abortion is right for you 

  • You want help finding local practitioners or a clinic that makes you feel comfortable 

  • You need support finding the best resources and tools to support your body

  • You’ve already done a lot of research but haven’t connected with your body/heart 

  • You want to give yourself the most nourishing and supportive experience

  • You want to transform your abortion into an initiation

  • You want to share your experience with someone who has also had an abortion

The why behind abortion care:

  • No one should have to go through abortion alone or unsupported 

  • We are all entitled to make choices that feel the best for our bodies

  • Healing in community is more impactful than doing it alone 

  • We have the power to reimagine old cultural paradigms that shame and silence abortion 

  • When people are regulated they can show up for themselves, their families and communities

Abortion Doula Package Option

  • This 2 hour initial session is centered around the decision making process and providing you with information on the different kinds of abortion procedures that are available in your area.  I will also provide support on how to find a clinic or a health care provider that you want to work with. 

    The outcome of this session is that you feel comfortable with the different abortion choices that are available and that we have taken the next steps to schedule in the procedure or to self manage at home. 

    I will provide information and support on:

    • The different kinds of surgical abortions

    • Medication abortion 

    • The decision making journey 

    • The physical, and emotional elements that may be present for you

    I will assist you with: 

    • Making an appointment

    • Advocating for yourself with your chosen healthcare providers

    • Holistic tools and resources that can make your experience easier

  • In this up to 6 hour session I will support you throughout your procedure - you can expect companionship before, during and after your abortion in both in-clinic and at-home environments. 

    What you can expect: 

    • Pain coping techniques

    • Breathwork support

    • Touch (on your terms)

    • Support with clinic staff and/or house mates or partner as needed

    • Driving you to and from your appointment (if required)

    • Postpartum care planning 

    • Provide you with some simple snacks post procedure or throughout the at home abortion process

    • A personalized care package

  • The post-abortion period can feel like a very sensitive and open time for some people. Having a space to process and integrate your abortion can be helpful in this transition period. In this 60 minute session I offer in-home support or a call via zoom or facetime.

    • I provide all of my clients with text and voice note support until their first period

    • I offer doula services throughout Vancouver, B.C.

    • If you are looking for virtual support please book a Womb Continuum session.

    • Please email me at info@lauren-taylor.ca to inquire about financial assistance and payment plans.

    • You’ll receive an email with a doula contract within 24 hours of booking.

    • More information regarding deposits, cancellation and rescheduling fees are provided in the contract once booking is confirmed.